Exalon QMS is a comprehensive tool available to implementing agents to ensure that the information relating to subsidised housing applications is duly recorded and processed, facilitating the management of the project from beginning to end.

A short rundown of the Beneficiary Administration (B.A) process:

The implementing agent’s fieldworker will capture the subsidy application information on an Android device, loading the lot coordinates through GPS and assigning a lot number.  This information will be loaded onto the system and checked against the Housing Subsidy Application forms filled in by the applicant to ensure that all of the applicants for a particular project are captured and that all of their documents are present and ready for submission to the DoHS.

The B.A system will generate the necessary documents required by the DoHS for a batch of applicants, e.g:

  • DoHS Application form
  • CTO
  • Commissioner of Oaths form
  • Affidavits

If there is any duplication of applicants, the database will pick up any identity number already stored (for instance, if the ID already belongs to an applicant’s spouse), making the subsidy process transparent, and allowing for fast corrective action if needed.

The final list of applicants (together with correlating the XY coordinates) will be uploaded to the DoHS’s systems for processing.  Once the DoHS has finalised their list of beneficiaries, the list is made available to the engineer and the contractor, ready for the next steps:

– Issue of a pre-construction list – where the beneficiaries’ details can be re-checked on-site and pegging performed.

– Issue of  BA’s for each structure, with allowance for sequencing, etc. – with details of contractors*

– Recording of all the inspections undertaken by the engineers and contractors up to the completion stage of the build, including the final inspection*

– Claiming process: once the inspection is done, the system will generate the claims with all the history relating to a contract in order for the implementing agent to request payment from the DoHS.

Thanks to the B.A system, the implementing agent will be able to:

  • oversee the entire process, from the project configuration set-up, up to the finalisation of the claim

  • follow up on the progress of the construction at its different stages

  • measure the efficiency of the contractors  (check passed inspections, duration of building for each structure, etc.)

  • make changes, if necessary, on the beneficiaries list (death, relocation, etc.)

  • generate reports and view a full history of the information captured during the project

The system provides for transparency, sharing of information amongst all stakeholders and, since the need for extensive paperwork and large manual spreadsheets is eliminated, there is less handling.  The information is, therefore, more accurateup to datereadily available, and claims are processed faster with a quicker project turnaround.

*Other modules are available from Exalon QMS, specific to engineers and contractors – so that all stakeholders on a project can work from the same database.