One of the challenges in large housing projects where the main building contractor has allocated sections of the project to sub-contractors, is to keep track of the progress of every single house.

Often, especially in rural KZN areas, where low-cost housing projects cover expansive areas of mixed accessibility, it is not uncommon that the contractor loses sight of the progress on some of the sites due to a breakdown in communication between his sub-contractors, the engineer, and his staff.  Some sites do fall through the cracks when the results of the inspections from the contractor’s foremen and the engineer’s inspectors do not come to the attention of the relevant people for remedial action (or if the subbie simply abandons the site not to be seen again).

These sites become dormant. They exist on paper, but the lack of activity on the ground is not evident straight away, and, therefore, some lots can stay standing for long periods of time, resulting in money being tied up in incomplete dwellings where no claims can be raised to recover the investments.  Furthermore, for a building contractor to come back to an area to finish one house that was left incomplete, is very costly and inconvenient when he is working through a sequence order and has moved on to a different area of the project.

Exalon QMS offers the contractor and the engineer peace of mind, as every site that has not been inspected by an engineer during the last 14 days appears in the dormant site table, starting from “oldest” to “newest”.  A daily glance at this table, which is on both the contractor and engineer modules will ensure that action is taken so that no site becomes dormant.

Exalon QMS is offering much more than mobile inspections. We offer the tools needed to assist engineers and contractors to save time, money, and complete their projects faster.


2 Response Comments

  • Dealia2007  August 10, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    With the Exalon QMS System, can you allocate your subbies to a lot number? For instance if X was working on Wall Plate with lot number 123 and Y was working on Lot number same project also Wall Plate 564.
    Does Exalon allow you to allocate your subbies, to make payments easier on completion to separate subbies?

    • admin  March 15, 2019 at 8:21 am

      Hi Dealia

      First of all I am so so sorry for the delay answering your question. Your post was never delivered to our email address as it should have, we will investigate why.

      But to answer your question, most definitely…. Every milestone, Lot Number and Subbies are separate entities that are linked for a particular “job”.

      Moreover, the advantage of the system, is that before you allocate X to a structure, Wall for instance, the system will alert you that the Slab of the same lot no (previous milestone) does not have a passed inspection, you can still issue the contract to X but it checks for you anything outstanding, and that Contractors are given contracts when they have not completed others…

      Furthermore, when you allocate, you can issue a printed contract with the terms of the engagement, lot no, Contractors details etc.. and even put a price for the job.

      That will allow you to create an “invoice” on behalf of the contractor to you, and record payments… A useful too to manage the whole subbie process and keep an eye on their performance, and ensure they build according to the planned sequence you have for that project.

      Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.

      Kind regards