Navigating to a Lot Number Using a Mobile Device

As an inspector of a large rural project, finding the lot number can be quite a challenge!tablet-for-navigation

With Exalon QMS, you can use your mobile device to select the lot number, and using the Google Map Navigate option, find your way.  You will need an internet connection for the search. You can choose to print the directions, or if you have access to the internet while driving, use the voice navigation.




Our system shows the geographical location of the project with the respective site numbers.
Each site is colour-coded according to the stage of inspection passed.

Inspections Site Map

Exalon inspection screen on an Android device


Standardised check-list with User login for reports purposes, GPS coordinates, and distance recordings:


Summary Reports for Managers “On the Go”

The mobile site will enable managers to access a summary of only the pertinent figures to get an eagle-eye view of the progress of the project.  The site is ideally designed for any tablets/smartphones.