Work-in-Progress Control in Low-Cost Housing Project Management Exalon QMS has contributed to increased quality in the construction of low-cost housing projects.  Product managers see a reduction in the number of failed structures to demolish as quality standards are being met, due to the following features: Standardised electronic QS checks across the project by all inspectors […]

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One of the challenges in large housing projects where the main building contractor has allocated sections of the project to sub-contractors, is to keep track of the progress of every single house. Often, especially in rural KZN areas, where low-cost housing projects cover expansive areas of mixed accessibility, it is not uncommon that the contractor […]

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Exalon has the expertise to widen the use of mobile inspections from subsidised housing projects to other diverse applications such as maintenance projects, manufacturing, health and safety, and freight and shipping. Wherever inspections need to take place, Exalon will provide the tools for quality on-site inspections, including GPS recording, fast reports and access to a […]

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Thanks to Exalon QMS, on-site inspections are being done on a mobile device. Gone are the days of inspection forms that get messy and illegible because of poor handwriting or lack of spelling skills (or trampled on at the back of the maintenance bakkie!). If you are required to apply the same quality or safety […]

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To ensure that any project is successful, the sharing of information between stakeholders is crucial.  This is particularly true for subsidised housing projects where the success of a project depends on its fast turnaround and the satisfaction of the beneficiaries and the community. Bearing in mind that local governments and municipalities play pivotal roles in […]

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